skilled nursing | rehabilitation

This time of transition after a medical event often requires more acute, extended care to help regain strength, mobility and confidence.

skilled nursing | rehabilitation

During this critical time, we combine stabilization of physical well-being with emotional, and often spiritual, support. Working closely with hospitals and physicians, we ensure a strategic plan of care that will best meet each resident’s unique needs.

Elderly woman and physical therapist

physical therapy suite

eliseo's therapy suite offers high-tech systems that provides effective physical and occupational training to support the most optimal outcome. The physical therapy suite offers a supportive environment to include a fully functioning kitchen, bathroom and training equipment for our residents to gain the confidence they need to return home safely.


Elderly man with daughter

occupational therapy

Our Occupational Therapists helps people to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Our Occupational Therapy practitioners enable our residents to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.

talking with patient

speech therapy

Our Speech Therapists will assess and treat communication problems and speech disorders. Our Speech Therapy techniques, which include, articulation therapy, language intervention activities, and others depending on the type of speech or language disorders are used to improve communication.

Our Speech Therapy department may be needed for  speech impairments in adults caused by an injury or illness, such as stroke or brain injury.

caregiver and residents

5-Star rating

eliseo has a Five-Star Quality Rating from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services,CMS. Nursing homes with 5 stars are considered to have much above average quality.

hospital readmission rate*

eliseo takes pride in our hospital readmission rate* of 14.3%. This is less than our local competitors and well below the national average of 21.2%.

*(percentage of clients who return to the hospital within 30 days of our care).

Source: Consonous Co-Pilot/CMS data.

nurse and residents
light bedroom

private and semi-private rooms

eliseo offers private and semi-private rooms. Some prefer the company of a roommate and others prefer privacy. Our goal is to accommodate all of our residents needs.

schedule a tour today!

Schedule a one-on-one personalized meeting with a member of our admissions team today to learn more about Skilled Nursing and Rehab with eliseo.